
HCH #1 Training Center - Opening July 2024!

Location: Fundong, Northwest Province

Building Construction: Winter 2023-Spring 2024

Supplies & Furnishings: Spring-Summer 2024

Construction has begun! It has been a long-time dream of Cry Cameroon to establish a training center and library at HCH #1 in Fundong. We have done training in computers, sewing, carpentry, etc., but we have not had a facility to manage the need. Due to a generous donation and your regular giving, we have been able to move forward with construction on our new training center and library! The HCH children are excited about the project, and both children and staff are assisting the builders with the construction. They have made over 3000 bricks so far! Take a look at the amazing progress so far!








HCH #2 Land Development

Location: Mbankomo, Central Region

Initiate Construction on First Building: Winter 2024

In 2022, we purchased land in Mbankomo, Central Region Cameroon, and in 2023 we secured the land with a fence and received a request from community leaders to build an orphanage. The next step is to bring in water and electricity to the land so we can build the first building. This building will be used as guest quarters and housing, and it will include meeting rooms and a kitchen. Once complete, it will be the headquarters for orphanage & community development in the Central Region. We hope to bring in water and electricity to the land in 2024 so we can begin the process for permits and break ground on our first building!

Cry Cameroon USA dba Harvest Children's Homes is an IRS 501(c)3 170 Public Charity