Cry Cameroon is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Christian organization that supports on-going Christian Ministries in Cameroon. This includes ministry to orphans, pastors, churches, and communities across Cameroon. Cry Cameroon is involved with evangelism, training, education, healthcare, and many other outreach and partnership opportunities throughout Cameroon.
Our primary project is direct orphan ministry through Harvest Children's Homes. Cameroon is home to many orphans and vulnerable children. Harvest Children's Homes (HCH) is there to provide a place of hope and new life in a group home atmosphere. HCH #1 houses 50-100 destitute children with housing, good food and water, education, and health care, but more importantly, the orphanage provides orphaned children with a new family. Children at HCH are taught the essentials of community and family, that they are valuable, how to explore their faith, and how to love and be loved.
By God's grace, we are growing toward opening Harvest Children's Home #2 in the Mbankomo area, just outside Yaoundé. The Lord is using Harvest Children's Homes to help raise the next generation of Christian leaders in Cameroon and throughout Africa!